sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2012

Opening Source: Going Forward

Jeremy Eder (RedHat) explains on this article, titled The open source advantage: Executives learn how to stay competitive,  about different movements from big Companies that are switching to an Open Source model for some of their products.

On the one hand, Jeremy explains about RedHat's Open Source software products build or acquired, such as RHEV-M(oVirt), CloudForms (Katello) or OpenShift (OpenShift).

On the other hand, he explains how Redback and NASA worked together within an Open Source model for OpenStack, with participation of other companies, such as RedHat itself. Success of the project enables it to become independent, switching to a Foundation model.

Apart from that, the interest on this article lays on the citation of Dreamworks as other company switching to Open Source, in particular, to OpenVDB

OpenVBD is an Open Source sparse volume processing toolkit. In this particular case, an analysis on the possible causes for Dreamworks to initiate this adventure, and, from my perspective, applicable to the vast majority of this type of movement:
  • There is a possibility about Dreamworks considering not much more value to be extracted from OpenVBD, as industry continues moving on.
  • Another possibility has to do with the company moving to other environments, in order to explore the path to profitability through new tools, techniques and processes.
  • Although critical to business, OpenVDB has its own life and it would benefit from additional developers contributions.
However, Eder concludes that, from his perspective, the main reason is about the cost:
  • Cost/maintenance burden for OpenVDB exceeds value derived. Setting it open and costless would mean just a better situation.
As main conclusion, recall that, moving to an Open Source model is just the unique tool to maintain certain products or projects along the time.

Complete article:

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